Friday, November 1, 2013

October 31st

The predicted storms are still heading our way so we are going to stay put for the day at Grand Harbor.  

There are high winds predicted and we might get caught out in a open bay plus the risk of a lightning strike is not something I want to take a chance on. 

I worked on some scheduling via the internet and then Trick and I decided to give the genset another go.

Tools ready to start the project 

 I replaced the sea water pump with no problem and started the Westerbeke up….she ran fine…..water coming out of exhaust perfectly……then it overheated and shut down.  After much evaluation Trick decided we need to check the thermostat.  I took it out and he checked it on the stove top.  The thermostat worked so I put it back in.  I had trouble getting it lined up correctly but I thought I had it in place. Started to put water back in the system and the thermostat leaked like a sieve.  We borrowed the courtesy car and went off to the local hardware for gasket material and stopped for lunch at a Mexican restaurant.  Back at the boat and put the thermostat on correctly.  We also figured out how to bleed the system and spent some time getting that done.  Started the gen-set and she ran fine……but then the thermostat started to leak….not real bad but leaking.  Crap!  The temperature did level off at 180 so we think we have cured the major issues.  Now we need some “stop leak” and will pick that up somewhere down the river.  At 7PM we put the tools away after spending dang near 10 hours on the gen-set.

Did not need dinner since we ate so late and hit the sack around 9PM.  The wind is still blowing pretty good so the boat is moving around and rocking a bit.  Not uncomfortable, almost soothing (soothing for me, it would drive Melissa crazy).

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