Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Daytona Beach!!!

Captain's Log:  A bit chilly as we left St. Augustine this morning.  Yea, yea, we know it is colder in Minnesota.  That's why we left.  Good news was the day slowly warmed up and by the time we reached Daytona Beach about 2:30 Eastern Time is was very pleasant.

In fact, Melissa took advantage of the Florida sun after we were secured in our slip.

We are staying in Halifax Harbor Marina.  Tons of boats.  Missy and I are getting better at docking.  She is more proficient with getting lines and bumpers positioned and I am getting more confident maneuvering the boat.  It is so much fun to work together on this adventure!!!!

Now that we are in Florida there are more and more bridges and it won't let up until we pass Miami.  We are also traveling with a lot more cruisers.  We must have passed 10 sailboats today.
Following a couple of sailboats through a bridge opening.

With December 1st just hours away it is evident that Christmas is just around the corner as boaters prepare for the holiday.
We bet Josh would like hanging out on this boat.

One boater did not have a good day today. This poor bloke ran aground just north of Daytona Beach.  The boat on the right is trying to pull him to deeper water.

First Mate's Log:   Today was chilly but very sunny, low wind, calm waters and lots of interesting scenery. This evenings musing of the First Mate ~ A "current" event on water is vastly different than the elementary school class :)
My photo journal is entitled, "Bridges are Bitchin'" - cause they are!

Swingin' Swing Bridge
Daytona Beach Bridges

Decorative Pillars on Bridge
Fixed Bridge

Another Fixed Bridge

Bridge Keeper's House
under the bridge

Another Fixed Bridge

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Heading Straight South

Captain's Log:  Florida is great, even if the temp has taken a big hit!  The ICW in Georgia twisted all over the place.  The route in Florida is much straighter so we get more miles down the coast every day.  Daytona Beach tomorrow!

It was really windy yesterday and then rain with wind last night up in Fernandina.  Dawn this morning brought calmer winds and cold temperatures.  We bundled up
and with a little help from the dock hand headed out at 8:00AM.  There were some shallow areas to negotiate but we worked as a team and found our way through. 

Every day Melissa does more and more of the driving.
Missy really enjoys taking the Helm!!!!
 I still take the helm when we get traffic or strong currents.
Met a barge heading north
We have to deal with all different size of vessels
 We arrived at "The Conch House Marina" around 2:45.  The docking was a little tricky but I am getting more experience each day so I backed into the slip with no problem. 

Notice Missy helping Bill negotiate the narrow channel under the bridge.
We met a really nice couple from Pennsylvania, Terry and Charlotte, that are sailing their boat "Zepher".  We have seen them on ICW the last three days and finally met last night at Fernandina.  They took a picture of us this morning as we passed under a bridge.  There are sooooo many nice people on the ICW. 

Cruisers are a family of wonderful people that welcome strangers unconditionally and have a strong cooperative attitude toward sharing the waterway.  Missy and I are empowered as we witness people functioning at such a high level of mutual respect.  The world could learn a lot from the ICW.

First Mate's Log:

Musings of the First Mate ~ Tide is more than a laundry detergent....but just as strong:)

Today's photos are dedicated to all the creative docks we have seen in our travels. I have entitled it "What's Up Dock?"
Christmas dock
festive dock
dock that had a bad day :(
dock with plants
dock with slide
double decker dock
triple decker dock! (really?)

fishing friendly dock

Monday, November 28, 2011

Weather system moving in

My sister Bobbie called to my attention that she was having trouble leaving comments.  I changed some settings on the blog to make it easier for any of you to leave comments now so please feel free to comment.  We enjoy hearing from our friends and family.
We are going to stay on Amelia Island for a day while a weather system with strong winds moves through.  The forecast calls for dropping temps the rest of the week but at least the wind will die down enough to make Schmom more comfortable.  We are off to explore this little Florida village......
Schmom keeps on eye on the dock from the Flybridge.
Every day we see dredging equipment.

A barge keeps the equipment in line with the channel.
The Right Whales are in this area this time of year. And Rachael was right, they are ugly.
Schmom and Shrimp

When we getting close to Fernandina Harbor yesterday we had to enter a shipping channel that was not well marked on my Chartplotter.  This was one of the situations where I really depended on Melissa to help me find our way. 

As we came into the channel we passed the U. S. Naval Nuclear Submarine base at Kings Bay.  We did not have time to get a picture and the very official looking boat just off to our starboard made us a little nervous to start taking pictures.  It would have been very cool to see one.............
but I sure would not want to close to one.

Hi y'all! The first mate threatened mutiny or hysteria due to weather conditions, so the very wise and compassionate captain decided we should hunker down and wait out the storm. Schmom is very appreciative :) We discovered lots to do outside the Fernandina Marina on Amelia Island. Today I am dedicating my pics to "dogs on docks and decks and dinghy's" Enjoy!
dinghy dog

guard dog ;)
fake dog...but handsome!
Fancy boat dog

Collie with life jacket

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Nov 27th - We made it to Florida!!!!!

CAPTAINS LOG: This day gives a whole new meaning to TGIF....Thank God it's Florida!!!!  Georgia was not as fun as the Carolina's.  This morning I had trouble getting out of the marina at Two Way Fish Camp due to strong currents.  It was a frustrating experience so now I am a little concerned about the next time I will have to deal with strong currents.  I look forward to having more confidence because this morning I simply was too cautious and should have been more assertive to deal with the current.  Live and learn!!! 
We spotted our 1st Lighthouse of the trip today!

Once we got back on the ICW we joined in with a group of boats, some of which we had seen the day before. 
We passed SV Ohanna yesterday and again today.  Very beautiful boat!
There was a trawler in front of us (Anchors Away) that kept a steady distance but a couple of the sailboats ended up in the same marina tonight.
It rained on us for a bit this morning but we were rewarded with a rainbow later!
 I spent a little time chatting with one of the skippers (sailboat Zepher).  He and his wife are from Pennsylvania but have traveled to Minnesota twice to go the Prairie Home Companion shows.
Every day we see some sort of dredging equipment along the ICW

A weather system is coming in tomorrow so we are not sure if we are going to head out in the morning or hunker down for a day.  We will wait and see how it looks in the AM.

This range marker marks the channel coming in from the Atlantic at Fernandina Beach.  There is a Navy facility upstream.
Missy was instrumental in helping navigate today.  In areas where there is significant shoaling, the Garmin chartplotter I have does not give me a course to follow.  Without the chartplotter, we are dependent on the paper charts I purchased before the trip.  Missy is very good at reading the charts and keeping track of where we are at all times.  I am grateful that I can depend on her any time I need her help.  I could not do this without her!!!! :)  On top of that she bought me dinner tonight to celebrate making it to Florida!

First Mate's log:  Today's photo expose' is "Floaters" ~ I think you will find it highly enlightening....
3 birds on some crappy tree leftovers
lots of seagulls on a floating dock
a buoy
a flock of white pelicans
a bog

a tree branch
crappy tree leftovers